domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016


Day 1:

One slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and banana sliced + 1 cup of  skim yogurt


2 pork chops baked with a butter and honey sauce, topped with sesame seeds and lemon + 3 tablespoons of mashed apples


1 ground beef burger with Edam light cheese and sliced tomato with salt and lemon.

Welcome to the 30 day EAT CLEAN CHALLENGE

In this blog I'll be posting photos of my daily plates/ foods/ drinks and their descriptions so that everyone can follow my progress and copy the ideas as well!

This blog is intended for everyone that wants to loose weight while still eating delicious foods or just wants to eat healthy trying not to fall into wrong habits of eating. This 30 day eating clean challenge is easy to follow and can be adjusted with ingredients you own at home. If you want to leave any comments, feel free to do so :)

